Porridge Oatcakes


I’m the bottom feeder of our family: we all know that if I’m ignoring something in the fridge, no-one else is going to eat it. One particular bugbear is leftover porridge – it’s one of the few things I won’t eat the second time round. Skye Gyngell mixes it into bread dough for her leftovers feasts at Spring, but I've become partial to the rustic oatcakes it delivers.
Porridge Oatcakes
Can we agree that oat milk has won the milk wars? As well as beating others out for coffee, it's the best for porridge, too, for obvious reasons. I use it 1:1 with water to make my porridge:

2 cups leftover, unsweetened porridge 
1 cup porridge oats
30g butter
Pinch salt
Flour/ oat flour for dusting and rolling
Preheat the oven to 180. In a mixing bowl, rub the oats, butter and salt together till you have breadcrumbs (or rather, oatcrumbs). Stir through the porridge. You are going for a dough-like consistency, so if it is still quite wet, mix in some more oats or a couple of tablespoons of flour until it is firmer.
Dust your surface and roll out the dough until about the thickness of a pound coin. You can cut into rounds with a pastry cutter, or simply transfer the dough, breaking it up into rough shapes with a blunt knife.
Bake for 20-30 minutes or until firm and touched with gold. Cool on a wire rack and store in an airtight container – should keep for a week or so.


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